Ayahnya Meninggal, Ibu pun Kabur, Kisah Bocah 10 Tahun yang Menanggung Beban dan Membesarkan 2 Adiknya - OH... TRIBUNENEWS

Ayahnya Meninggal, Ibu pun Kabur, Kisah Bocah 10 Tahun yang Menanggung Beban dan Membesarkan 2 Adiknya

Every day we have people that want to tell us what to do with our money. If you really look at that is pretty ballsy I think. Okay I have to say that I agree with you. So here is my question then what are you going to do with your money? I was talking with a retired man one day who is drinking himself to death. I am not joking. When I first met the man he was tell working. He was telling me that he could not wait to retire and re-lack. It has been two years now he has been to rehab two times and has had about three drink related accidents. So I guest to question is what are you going to do with your money and time. One I talked to a man that had a friend who at 60 did not retire nor did he at 65, 70, 75, or 80. Some people would say that working kept him alive. Well at 81 he could not walk without falling, he has trouble seeing and his health is so, so. His past social life was little as he was always working. Many of his family members and friends are pasted away. So now he has the money but not one to spent it on and he is in no condition to spend it as he would have liked too. Nor can he really enjoy it. Life is about living not watching it pass you by while you wait for your own time to pass. You can not take it with you. One day I spoken with a lady that makes a lot of money drives, an expensive car yet she is miserable on the inside. She will fire a single mother who had made a few bad choices in her life yet is visibly working hard to correct her mistakes and is moving in the direction. Yet turn a blind eye on her own regular and repeated missteps. Then to make herself feel as she is help will spend money that is not hers to hire a company to recycle some items for the good of the environment. Again dismissing her own daily environmental footprint and impact on our world. One day spoke with a very nice young lady that told me that she gives at her church. I told her that was great. I then asked her where did her donation go. She told me that they where in the process of building a new bigger church. So I asked her what was wrong with the old church? She said nothing. Why where they building a new one she said we just needed a new building. I said okay then asked her what kind of car did her pastor drive. The lady smiled and very happily told me he the pastor just got a new Mercedes and his wife the co-pastor just get a new Jaguar a few months ago. I then ask the lady what type of volunteer activities she had done. Her answer was no she did not done any. She then asked me if I volunteered I said yes and that I have for the last 8 years teaching for a local non-profit and for over 7 years before that at the local boys and girls clubs where I lived. Then you have companies like Enron and those people who wasted millions on things that they really did not even want or need. This along with the rising cost of gas, food, and transportation. We have hundreds of people losing their jobs and homes. Jobs going over sea you call a customer service number and you find that you are talking with someone you can not understand. Plus does not seem to know how to assist you with the matter you call them for in the first place. We are in the worst debt in history at a county. I think we need to work to help each other here in America. Dale Carnegie said he spend half of his life making money his future and he said that he would spend the other half giving it away. Very few can say that Mr. Carnegie was not a very smart man. So we are back to what to do with your money. We run a martial arts school in northern Virginia we work with all types of people and I know that we do a lot of good for the community. So my suggestion is that you give the money to us. We will put it to good and positive uses. Like scholarship programs for students that want to train in the martial arts and get in better physical condition. People that need to find and move in a positive direction. Young people who have entered into a positive martial arts environment and are positive and active in the community help them with higher educational goals like going to college. People if your donation helps to keep one child in the school doing productive things and out of trouble that it a great and wonderful thing. No one person can save to world but each of us can make a difference. How you give and what you give is up to you. My promise is that your donation will help many who could use it. In these uncertain times and your donation will go to assist those here in the US. There is more to life then money that is true. But the lack of money can make life hard. Success story: We had four students that just before start at our school where not doing well in school. After talking with the parents we found that the parents did not think they would all graduate high school. Not only did these students graduate one was offered 3 full scholarships and one partial. All of them are also now in college and doing well. By the way the scholarships were for academics. Today Is Now! By Zurriane Bennett San Yama Bushi & Combination GoJu School of Self Defense [http://www.sybcg.com] Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Z_Bennett/77680 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1129534

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