Selain Lebih Macho, Pria Berjambang Juga Ternyata Lebih Sehat - OH... TRIBUNENEWS

Selain Lebih Macho, Pria Berjambang Juga Ternyata Lebih Sehat

Are you organizing or getting rid of things to make the move to your new home? You can get overwhelmed with the amount of sorting and purging you must do in order to move. Sometimes, this overshadows the anticipation and thrill of the move. For that reason, start fresh by letting go of what is no longer needed as you move into your new home. I am reminded of a situation where I was asked me to help sort and purge for a couple that were downsizing into an apartment. The wife, Mary loved shoes. I mean really loved shoes. The strategy for the shoe purging was simple. We would sort through the shoes and determine which pile of three, the shoes would end up in. 1. One pile for shoes she could live without; the ones she could let go of. 2. One pile for the "undecided" and 3. One pile for the lucky shoes she would keep. Round two included going back through the 2 piles of "undecided" and "keep" to see if there were more shoes she could eliminate or donate. After all, the end goal was to have one small keep pile because they were moving into a smaller space. Tip #1 3x3 Pile This tip can be used to sort and purge anything. It can really help as you're preparing to move into a new home. Here's the idea: Get the help and support of a friend (not your spouse) and use the 3x3 rule to split up whatever it is you're going through (clothes, tools, furniture etc. ) into three piles or stacks labeled: Keep, Donate and Undecided. Go through this process three times with the intention of the undecided stack being gone by round three. Work fast and set a timer if you have to. This helps you chunk the process down in to bite size pieces. Once you are clear on what it is you're keeping, without delay take the donate pile to wherever it's going. The local mission, second hand store or Boys Club are good organizations that accept donations. IMPORTANT-It is vital to promptly take the donate pile away from your home so there isn't a chance to move items back into the keep pile. Here's why. Using the shoe example previously mentioned. I went back a couple days later and found the purged shoes, the shoes she choose to donate, back in the keep pile! Many of the shoes were 4" heels which she couldn't wear anymore because of her feet and back. My biggest mistake was that I didn't get them out of house and to the mission fast enough! A few years later when Mary passed away, her two sisters were again sorting and purging the same shoes. There were 154 pair of shoes and not one family member was able to wear any of the shoes. Don't make the same mistake I did. Sort, purge and in the blink of an eye, donate. You'll be relieved and so will your family! Removing non-essential things from your lives daily is easy. For example, you can clean your refrigerator by getting rid of leftovers either by eating them or throwing them out. You can quickly clean up your car by throwing away fast food bags, empty to-go coffee cups and plastic water bottles. Eventually, all this ends up in the trash and it's removed by the garbage man. Imagine what your refrigerator or car might look like if you didn't do this. Yuck! While most of your stuff isn't trash, when you move from one place to another is it wise to let go, get rid of and purge unnecessary things. For most of you, you have way more than you need. You may be saying to yourself, "I wish I could get rid of things. There are just too many memories connected to all this stuff". You want to organize because you really don't want to take all of it to your new home. You want to get rid of lots of things, but it's troubling you. Maybe you're like lots of other people where you have an emotional attachment to an item, article, gadget or object. That's why it's hard to let go. It's crucial to address the emotional connection to these items as you organize and purge. This will help you successfully reduce, consolidate and pack up your belongings as you're headed to your new home. For example, Mark and Leslee have multiple boxes in their barn from 3 loved relatives who passed away 3 years ago. They keep all that stuff for many reasons. The stuff in the boxes is associated with their significant, dearly loved family members. It's painful to let go of those things because it's like letting go of the people, not the item. Tip #2 Take a picture and journal Your stuff means something to you. Valentina Kaltchev has a great suggestion to sort through items that are important and meaningful. Valentina recommends creating a journal where you take pictures of the item; note the memories and why it's important to you. Once you've written everything, you can get rid of the item itself but still keep hold of all the significant memories. You may not need all your stuff but your memories and feelings are yours to keep. Use the 3x3 rule to quickly organize and eliminate your "stuff". The creative journaling method keeps memories close to your heart and allows to you sort and purge with ease. Both of these methods can help you get your things organized to assist you in the move from your current home into your new home. Laura has worked as a life coach and counselor for the past 27 years. She is passionate about helping people keep the love in their relationship while buidling or remodeling their home. Her articles address relationship challenges that surface in home construction projects. Visit her website at where you can find resources to help you be successful. Article Source: Article Source:

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