Calon Mertua Menolak Jadikan Menantu Sebab dianggap Mandul, Namun Setelah Menikah Malah Lahirkan 3 Bayi Kembar - OH... TRIBUNENEWS

Calon Mertua Menolak Jadikan Menantu Sebab dianggap Mandul, Namun Setelah Menikah Malah Lahirkan 3 Bayi Kembar

I know some parents who are drowning in clutter that has accumulated in their homes over the years. Many people are born organized while others struggle to breath in a sea of sticky notes, boxes, unwanted dusty items, stacks of magazines, and things that they simply don't use. I happen to come from parents of both extremes. My Father has always been a tidy organized person from ever since I can remember. My Mother, on the other hand, struggles with the debilitating disease of clutter. She is unable to throw out anything due to sentimental value, or fear that she might need it later. She attends clutter 12 step meetings only to learn new creative ways to collect more clutter - including collecting clutter on her computer as well. I find myself somewhere in between these two extremes but with a clear grasp on how to minimize clutter and keep the house, car, and suitcase in order. After living in Japan for over 4 years, I learned a very valuable lesson, space is priceless. To see a table with nothing on it, or a room with absolutely no clutter helps to clear the mind and promotes healthy living. Being the Mother of 3 and soon to be 4 kids means the clutter can build up fast. To combat the clutter, I celebrate Trash Day. Every Thursday morning I am able to move all our unused items and trash to the curbside where a lovely man takes it all away. I will often wave and smile to the trash man, for he is what I consider a best friend. The mailman, however, must be watched carefully for he is the daily barer of more clutter. From catalogs, and junk mail, to those nasty bills, newsletters, and news papers, it all starts to add up into a big pile of clutter the minute it is set down on the counter. So you must be vigilant and intercept this unwanted seed of clutter that can quickly grow into an amazing monstrosity of clutter like some form of Amazonian jungle vine on a humid day. Take your stack of mail straight over to your recycling trash can and start tossing immediately. Of course, you will want to set aside only those pieces of mail that are important, such as the bills, but everything else that is not necessary can be tossed. Even if you think you might want to read one of those catalogs, you should still put it in the recycle bin and remind yourself that you have one week to look at it before the trash is taken out to the curb. Toss junk mail daily for best results. Composting is another great way to reduce your outgoing trash, keep your kitchen clean, and make your own healthy rich potting soil. When you compost, you are selecting your 'good trash' from your 'bad trash'. Separate your fruit and vegetable scraps into a composting container, then compost it in your back yard by either throwing it into a compost pile, or putting it in a compost container with an equal amount of dead grass and leaves from your property. Within weeks, you will have composted your trash into rich black nutrient filled potting and gardening soil. If you have trees on your property, rake the leaves in the fall and instead of giving away dozens of bags full of leaves to your trash man, compost them into a big pile somewhere in your yard. You will be amazed at how quickly the pile of leaves breaks down and if you hose the pile down with water periodically, and add compost starter, it will turn to organic potting soil even faster. Not only do you save time but you are now saving money by not throwing away expensive garbage bags, as well as not having to purchase expensive organic potting soil at $28 a bag in the Spring for your back yard potted plants and vegetable garden. Another trick to reducing your clutter is to schedule monthly or bi-monthly trips to the second hand store donation drop off center. You can go through your closet and your kids closets to find clothing that no longer fits, cannot be handed down, or is simply never worn and donate them. This frees up room in the closet for air to circulate and is pleasant to the eye to see space, and less clutter where one would least expect it. Toys can be one of the biggest clutter problems in a house with young kids. I find that it is hard to donate, sell, or get rid of my kids toys so I box them up and put them in the crawl space. After a few months, I pull out the box on a day that we are home trying to find something to do, and let the kids open the box up. It's like Christmas in July. Just be sure to fill the box up with other toys that are now unused and repeat the process. You can get a lot of miles out of old toys with this system. If you don't mind the hassle, you can sell unwanted items at a garage sale, on crags list, e-bay, and old books on Every year we pick out items that are unwanted and unused like blankets, jackets, sweaters, gloves and even some toys. We then wrap the items in pretty Christmas paper to hand out to the homeless. The smiles and thank you's we receive are priceless and we find this to be the most rewarding out of all the other methods. The old saying goes, "One mans trash is another mans treasure." It's never more apparent than when we give our things to the needy. If you have never tried this, you are in for a real treat. Traveling through life with kids can cause the clutter to accumulate fast, but with these tricks and methods in place and setup as a routine, you will find yourself free from the chains of clutter to enjoy your house, your car, and your journey through life. Happy Travels! Linda Walsh is a mother of 3 young children - one with special needs and a forth child on the way. She is also a family travel expert who has developed a unique system for traveling with babies and young kids, budgeting money, cooking from scratch on the road, managing life with special needs, and living an organized lifestyle to get the most miles out of raising her family. If you would like to find more ways to simplify and organize your travels through life with your children, visit her website at [] or her blog at []. Article Source: Article Source:

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